Oil Press Visitors Center

"Earthen Vessel" Oil Press

In 2004, the Carmei Har Hanegev Farm was established as part of a unique settlement project for lone family farms in Israel's southern Negev desert.
We were assisted by the Antiquities Authority in locating the lands and ultimately decided to build the farm atop the ruins of an ancient Nabatean farm by reconstructing the hilly farming terraces and planting olive trees on them like in olden times.
The olive orchards are adjacent to the olive press, and the oil extraction process is done immediately after the harvest, which enhances the quality of the oil.
In 2013, the "Earthen Vessel" oil press was established and named for ancient relics that were discovered during the digging. Next to it is a Visitors' Center that provides services to travelers in and around Mitzpe Ramon, the Har Hanegev region, and those on their way to Eilat.
A visit to the farm and the oil press is a truly incredible attraction in the spectacular desert landscape, for groups and families alike.

For an extra fee, you can take part in guided tours and fascinating lectures about Nabatean agricultural, then and today. The tour ends with oil and wine tasting at the Visitors' Center (booking in advance). The activity takes approximately 1.5 – 2 hours.

Contact Yossi: +972-508-725-244.

Oil Press Visitors Center

Visitors Center

Desert Olive oil

Desert olive oil

Events in "Earthen Vessel" Oil Press


"Earthen Vessel" Oil Press

Address: Carmei Har Hanegev Farm, Mitzpe Ramon, Negev, Israel

Sunday to Friday : 9:00-21:00

Phone: Nir – 054-7950180  Yossi – 050-8725244




Olive Oil 750cc            45₪

Olive Oil 2 liter        80₪

Olive Oil 5 liter        190₪

Wine                     70₪
